Behavior & Training

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How To Teach An Aggressive Dog To Socialize?
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Who does not enjoy a long walk with their dog? It is the best stress buster. But a long walk with your dog can also be a nightmare if your dog does not like other dogs. There will be other dogs on the road. Your dog needs to like other dogs like him, otherwise you will not be able to take him to dog parks.

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How To Understand The Secret Meaning Of Your Dog’s Body Language
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Dogs do not talk, but they use their body language activities to convey their needs. We all know a dog's "gotta go to potty "signs. But there are other signs. I am raising dogs for years, so I can read my dog’s body language very easily. However, as a first-time dog parent, you may have difficulties in understanding your dog’s body language. No worry, as today I am going to talk about the meaning of dog’s most common body language in this article.
How To Introduce Your Baby To Your Dog And Make Them Love Each Other
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Dogs see their owners as their parents; I am sure all dog owners also see their dog as their child. Problem occurs when owners bring home their human child. Like an older sibling dogs get jealous of new baby. Your dog thinks your baby is going to steal all the attention.

Dogs and babies make great friends, but only after they spend some time with each other. You need to give your dog some time. But you can actually train your dog to like your baby, here is how.

What Dogs To Buy For People With Disability? And How To Train Them For Help?
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People with disabilities face tough challenges every day. Life is hard for them. Giving handicap people a dog is a great idea. Dogs can make great companions. A person feels awkward when he or she needs to ask another person for some help. But no one feels awkward when they are with a dog. Dogs can work better than therapy.

Make Your Dog Vet And Groomer Friendly
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Does your dog hate all human beings besides you and your family members? Then he is not alone. Many dogs hate their vets, groomers. This can be a real problem as you cannot avoid taking your dog to the vet or groomer. You need to teach your dog to like his vet and groomer.

Trust me, dogs normally like people, so training your dog to like his groomer and vet will not be a hard job. He needs to understand his vet and groomer are not trying to hurt him.

How Can You Train Puppies Not To bite
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My first puppy was the love of my life. We were soulmate and inseparable. However, one thing I did not like about his company. I am talking about his biting my toes habit. Puppy’s biting habit may sound cute and relatively harmless but trust me it is neither good for you nor your puppy. I later learned some tricks and those tricks stopped my puppy’s biting habit. In this article, I am going to share those simple tricks with my fellow puppy parents.

How To Understand The Secret Meaning Of Your Dog’s Body Language
by Our Author
Dogs do not talk, but they use their body language activities to convey their needs. We all know a dog's "gotta go to potty "signs. But there are other signs. I am raising dogs for years, so I can read my dog’s body language very easily. However, as a first-time dog parent, you may have difficulties in understanding your dog’s body language. No worry, as today I am going to talk about the meaning of dog’s most common body language in this article.
What Will You Do When Your Dog Doesn't Listen To Your Command?
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Is it possible to train Your Dog to Come Back to You When You Call Come? Yes. But it will never be an easy task, you can be an experienced dog trainer or a first time dog parent, many times your dog will not listen to your command. In simpler terms he will disobey you. Here are my tips to deal with a disobedient dog.

Tips To House Train Your Puppy, Yes You Can Teach Him To Toilet For Pee And Poop
by Our Author

You need to have positive attitude and tons of patience for potty training your doggy. Let me tell you, sweethearts, your doggy will not learn to use toilets in one day, even in one week. But that does not mean trying to potty train your dog is a lost cause. It will happen, but it will take some time.

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