Behavior & Training

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How To Teach An Aggressive Dog To Socialize?
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Who does not enjoy a long walk with their dog? It is the best stress buster. But a long walk with your dog can also be a nightmare if your dog does not like other dogs. There will be other dogs on the road. Your dog needs to like other dogs like him, otherwise you will not be able to take him to dog parks.

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How To Understand The Secret Meaning Of Your Dog’s Body Language
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Dogs do not talk, but they use their body language activities to convey their needs. We all know a dog's "gotta go to potty "signs. But there are other signs. I am raising dogs for years, so I can read my dog’s body language very easily. However, as a first-time dog parent, you may have difficulties in understanding your dog’s body language. No worry, as today I am going to talk about the meaning of dog’s most common body language in this article.
Easy Ways To Train Your Dog How To Swim
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Swimming is the best way to relax but swimming with your dog is the best possible activity ever. Swimming burns thousand of calories, it is also good for mind. Imagine taking a swim with your dog at the end of a tiring office day.

I swim with my dogs. But I needed to teach them swimming. Not teach swimming, as dogs like other animals know how to swim from birth. But dogs do not like water. So I had to encourage my dog to come near the pool.Here is how I did it.

Common Dog Behavior Problems And Solutions
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One my dogs had a behavior problem. Most dogs are very friendly, but sometimes dogs do behave badly. There are many reasons why dogs start to behave in an aggressive manner. Bad behavior among dogs is not uncommon, but it a nightmare for the dog parent. Your friends may stop coming to your house because they think your dog child has some kind of problem. How can you deal with a situation like this? No worry we are going to teach you.
How To Stop Your Dog From Digging
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First time dog owners with a yard get a rude shock when they see multiple holes in their yard. Dogs will dig holes; this is very natural for them. Good news is right training can change your dog’s habits. Here are our tips to how to deal with your dog’s digging habit.
What Will You Do When Your Dog Doesn't Listen To Your Command?
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Is it possible to train Your Dog to Come Back to You When You Call Come? Yes. But it will never be an easy task, you can be an experienced dog trainer or a first time dog parent, many times your dog will not listen to your command. In simpler terms he will disobey you. Here are my tips to deal with a disobedient dog.

How To Teach Your Dog To Play With Toys?
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After getting my first dog, I kept asking myself a question, am I a good dog parent? A good parent will teach his/her dogs commands. I tried usual dog training methods first. But later I understood, toys are very useful weapons when it comes to training your dog.

How Can You Train Puppies Not To bite
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My first puppy was the love of my life. We were soulmate and inseparable. However, one thing I did not like about his company. I am talking about his biting my toes habit. Puppy’s biting habit may sound cute and relatively harmless but trust me it is neither good for you nor your puppy. I later learned some tricks and those tricks stopped my puppy’s biting habit. In this article, I am going to share those simple tricks with my fellow puppy parents.

The Top 10 Easiest Dog Breeds to Train And Why You Need To Get One Of These Dogs
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College goers who become parents of a new dog have easy choice, they get an affordable dog. However, things are tougher for people who earn well. I am not mocking anyone, but most people with money have a tough time finding the right dog. They try to get a dog which looks cute as a puppy. All dogs are cute. However, some dogs which look cute are very hard to train, and then there are dogs which are not suitable for house with kids. If you know nothing about different dog breeds then read this article as I am going to talk about

How To Teach Your Dog To Play With Toys?
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After getting my first dog, I kept asking myself a question, am I a good dog parent? A good parent will teach his/her dogs commands. I tried usual dog training methods first. But later I understood, toys are very useful weapons when it comes to training your dog.

Easy Ways To Teach Your Dog “Leave It“ Command
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You need to teach your dog “leave it” command, this command can save his life. Like babies dogs also try to put everything they find on the floor in their mouth. Dogs have great smelling power. House trained dogs will not eat rotten toxic food. But toys have no smell and your dog may try to eat small toy parts. This is the reason why your dog needs to understand what “leave it” command means.

The Most Effective Way To Discipline Your Dog, And Does Punishment Actually Works?
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Did you see Marley and Me? It is still one of my all time favorite films. Marley was cute, but boy that dog needed to learn some discipline. I became a dog parent after I watched Marley and Me; I decided to give my dog some mandatory disciplinary lesson because of that film. Just kidding of course, I mentioned this movie because today I am going to talk about The Most Effective Way to Discipline Your Dog, also why it is important to teach your dog some rules.

Dog Training Guide: Ten Tips for Getting Started with the Clicker
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Remember the Adam Sandler movie Click? Do you ever wish you can do the same thing with your dog? I mean controlling your dog’s movement with a button. Well, good news, this can happen for real. The wonderful world of science gave us the gift of clicker, this little device can make the “train your puppy” process much easier and entertaining.

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