Health & Medical

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First Time Dog Owners Guide, How To Create An Aid Kit?
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I was walking my dog near my house. All of a sudden, I see blood coming out of his foot. He had a minor injury. But I needed to take care of it anyway. Thank God I was right beside my house. But, this incident made me think. I wondered if I can make an aid kit for my dog. I searched and found out first-aid kits for dogs are not that uncommon.
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Signs That Say Your Dog Is Suffering From Separation Anxiety
by Our Author
I am a working dog parent. My dog initially gave me hard times when I left him home alone. My room was always a mess when I came back from my office. This was a huge problem. I took my dog to the vet and he said my dog is suffering from separation anxiety. Yes, it is real. Long story short, my hard work paid off, today my dog behaves like a good boy when he is alone at home.
Is It Necessary To Spay or Neuter Your Dog?
by Our Author
I have some friends who just adopted a puppy. Since I am a senior dog parent, I often ask these new parents about their plan of handling “adult” dog problems. Dogs become sexually adult before human kids do. The best way to deal with dogs’ sexual urges is to neuter/spray them. Some young parents worry if they take this step then they will harm their dogs’ natural growth. See, this is where they are thinking wrong. Neutering your dog is actually beneficial for him.
Must Know Facts About Your Dog’s Skin Disease/Coat Care.
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Your dog’s skin/coat is his savior. Dogs do need clothes. Yes, you can make clothes for your dogs in winter, but he does not need it. Healthy coat/hair saves dogs in winter. As an owner your job is to make sure your dog’s skin/coat stay healthy forever. Before we tell you more about dog skin care, let us first talk about why dogs often develop skin conditions.
Why You Should Take Your Dog in for Annual Checkups
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I am a dog lover. I also know a lot of dog lovers like me. I noticed people who raised multiple dogs know exactly when they need to take their dogs to the vet. New pet owners often think they only need to go to a vet when their dog is sick. This is a huge mistake. Annual check-up ensures good health in dogs. Take the dog to the vet once a year, even if he looks healthy.
OMG! Is Your Bad Judgement Making Your Dog Obese?
by Our Author
Obese dogs look adorable. But overweight dogs are not happy dogs. Yes, it is true, obese dogs are sad dogs. They also do not live for long. However, good news is obesity in dogs is not a big problem. Some diet and lifestyle changes can make dogs thin again. Dogs are neither emotional eaters nor they can order a pizza online. So, don’t lose your sleep if your dog is obese. Just follow our obesity guide for dogs.
Signs That Say Your Dog Is Suffering From Separation Anxiety
by Our Author
I am a working dog parent. My dog initially gave me hard times when I left him home alone. My room was always a mess when I came back from my office. This was a huge problem. I took my dog to the vet and he said my dog is suffering from separation anxiety. Yes, it is real. Long story short, my hard work paid off, today my dog behaves like a good boy when he is alone at home.
Should You Get A Dog Health Insurance?
by Our Author
I have pet insurance for my dog. I like to believe I am a responsible pet parent. I make sure my dogs eat healthy foods. But I know just good foods are not enough for my dogs. They also need regular check-ups. Vets are very rich these days. They charge a lot. A friend told me about health insurance for dogs. To be honest pet health insurance saved lots of money for me.
First Time Dog Owners Guide, How To Create An Aid Kit?
by Our Author
I was walking my dog near my house. All of a sudden, I see blood coming out of his foot. He had a minor injury. But I needed to take care of it anyway. Thank God I was right beside my house. But, this incident made me think. I wondered if I can make an aid kit for my dog. I searched and found out first-aid kits for dogs are not that uncommon.
Summer Heat: Time To Keep Your Dogs Safe Inside Home
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Who does not love summer? Sun comes out and we feel happy. Sun bathing may make you look pretty, but summer heat is not great for your dog. I know a dog who suffered from heatstroke, scary right? So, today I decided to share some summer safety advice for your dogs.
Signs That Say Your Dog Is Suffering From Separation Anxiety
by Our Author
I am a working dog parent. My dog initially gave me hard times when I left him home alone. My room was always a mess when I came back from my office. This was a huge problem. I took my dog to the vet and he said my dog is suffering from separation anxiety. Yes, it is real. Long story short, my hard work paid off, today my dog behaves like a good boy when he is alone at home.
OMG! Is Your Bad Judgement Making Your Dog Obese?
by Our Author
Obese dogs look adorable. But overweight dogs are not happy dogs. Yes, it is true, obese dogs are sad dogs. They also do not live for long. However, good news is obesity in dogs is not a big problem. Some diet and lifestyle changes can make dogs thin again. Dogs are neither emotional eaters nor they can order a pizza online. So, don’t lose your sleep if your dog is obese. Just follow our obesity guide for dogs.
How To Clean Your Dog’s Wound Without Causing Him Any Discomfort
by Our Author

Your dog will get injured once in a while. You can always take him to a vet in case his injury is serious. But you can take care of his minor injuries at home. In the beginning the job will be tough, but you and your dog will get used to it very soon.

Is It Necessary To Spay or Neuter Your Dog?
by Our Author
I have some friends who just adopted a puppy. Since I am a senior dog parent, I often ask these new parents about their plan of handling “adult” dog problems. Dogs become sexually adult before human kids do. The best way to deal with dogs’ sexual urges is to neuter/spray them. Some young parents worry if they take this step then they will harm their dogs’ natural growth. See, this is where they are thinking wrong. Neutering your dog is actually beneficial for him.
Dog Diabetes A To Z: Reason For Diabetes in Dogs, Diagnosis, Treatment And Prevention Tips
by Our Author
Please do not give your dog your favorite Christmas cookie. Dog diabetes is a real complex disease. Shortage of hormone insulin causes diabetes in dogs. When dogs cannot produce sufficient insulin, sugars from their foods get stored in body. This is how dog’s blood sugar level increases and dogs become diabetic. This is why foods with added sugar are neither good for you nor your dog. Your Christmas treat can give your dog diabetes.
Must Know Facts About Your Dog’s Skin Disease/Coat Care.
by Our Author
Your dog’s skin/coat is his savior. Dogs do need clothes. Yes, you can make clothes for your dogs in winter, but he does not need it. Healthy coat/hair saves dogs in winter. As an owner your job is to make sure your dog’s skin/coat stay healthy forever. Before we tell you more about dog skin care, let us first talk about why dogs often develop skin conditions.
Know about Ear Mites in Dogs
by Our Author
No owner wants to see their dogs with ear mites. But it will happen and you will need to get rid of those mites. Ear mites make dogs suffer badly. They cannot eat, they feel weak and most importantly poor things have to scratch their ears all day. Ear mites attack all type of dogs. No matter how careful you are, chances are your dog will have ear mites at least once in his life.
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