

Basic Information

Other Name
Longhair, Persian Longhair, Shiraz, Shirazi
Life Span
14-15 years
Glossy, Long, and Silky
Bi-Color, Black, Blue, Brown, Calico, Cameo, Chinchilla, Colourpoint, Exotic, Golden, Himalayan, Par
Constant Shedding
Shedding will occur often for this cat breed. It is suggested to brush and comb its coat regularly to reduce the risk of it developing hairballs. Be prepared also to vacuum often.
Medium to Large
7 - 11 Pounds



The Persian is the glamor puss of the cat world. His beautiful, flowing coat, sweet face and calm personality have combined to make him the most popular cat breed. He is high maintenance and he has some health issues, but for many his looks and personality overcome those drawbacks. The Persian cat is a large to medium-sized cat, with a well-balanced body and a sweet expression on its face. It has a huge and round head, small ears and a comparatively short tail. The breed was originally established with a short (but not non-existent) muzzle, but over time this feature has become extremely exaggerated, particularly in North America. These Persians are susceptible to a number of health problems because of this characteristic, specifically affecting their sinuses and breathing. In addition, Persians with short muzzles have dust and debris accumulate inside of the nostrils, making it difficult to breathe.

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Persians take their name from the country where they are thought to have originated. They became popular pets in animal-mad Victorian Britain and were seen at the very first cat shows in that country. Persians have always been bred to have a round head, short face, snub nose, chubby cheeks and a short, cobby body, but over time those features have become exaggerated. The result is that the Persian now comes in two types, show and traditional. Traditional Persians do not have as short a face as show Persians and look more like the earlier examples of the breed, but both have the same sweet personality. Today the Persian is the most popular cat registered by the Cat Fanciers Association.

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